Home of AmeriHybrid® and Antonelli Brothers Begonias
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A Professional Begonia Breeder

A Profession Begonia Breeder

CalBegonias is a division of Golden State Bulb Growers, Inc. Golden State Bulb Growers is a family owned business that is now in its 5th generation. Established in 1911, Golden State Bulb Growers have served the needs of commercial flower growers around the world for over 100 years.  Our begonias have distinguished themselves from European begonia varieties by superior flower and plant form. Our begonia breeding focuses on form and beauty which has created the unique begonia line, AmeriHybrid. AmeriHybrid Begonias are the only begonia tubers presently bred and produced in the United States. In 2010 we incorporated Antonelli Begonias into our 100-year-old AmeriHybrid breeding lines.

AmeriHybrid Begonias
AmeriHybrid tuberous begonias stem from a 100+ year old breeding program. There are more than fifty AmeriHybrid begonia varieties available today that are grown from seed. The only line we vegetatively propagate is AmeriHybrid  Scentiment begonias. AmeriHybrid crosses are based solely on plant performance not by the size of the bulb that is produced. AmeriHybrid begonias produce more double petal flowers than any others. 99 percent of AmeriHybrid flowers are true doubles with up to 10 rows of petals. Our begonias also produce the largest begonia flowers in the world. AmeriHybrid Picotee, Roseform and Ruffled begonia blooms measure 4-9 inches in diameter, 20-30 percent larger than other varieties. In more recent years we have developed more compact plants with greater branching habits in our On Top tuberous begonia line.